By innovative | 06 Jan, 2020
Haryana Cabinet has finally approved of the multiple improvements which were required in the affordable housing policy.
A proposal to amend the Affordable Logistics Policy 2013, notified under section 9- A of Haryana Development and Urbaine Act 1975, to amend the minimum areas limits, the project area limits. I was approved at the Cabinet Meeting of Chandigarh, Dec 23 Haryana Cabinet held under the Chairmanship of Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar.
The Haryana cabinet declared on Wednesday the modification of the Affordable Housing Policy 2013 Haryana Growth and Urban Area Regulation Act 1975, in an attempt to increase the scope of affordable housing.
In compliance with the amendments, from 10 acres to 30 acres, the overall project area cap under affordable housing increases. A minimum area limit was reduced from 5 acres to 4 acres to set the Affordable Group Housing Colony. While the minimum area requirement is to be reduced from 5 acres (4 acres), it is essential to note that the colonizer will still have the community building prescribed in the five acres standard. In the case of a population exceeding 10,000 in a colony, community buildings shall be provided following the internal community-building requirements, as per policy. The amendment now indicates that the net planned area's commercial area has risen from 4% to 8%.
The new paragraph 4 (iii) of the Affordable Housing Community Policy-2013 can be updated to ensure a mandatory and non-chargeable continuity with the existing provision providing 0.5 Equivalent car space (ECS). Any additional ECS 0.5 space per residential unit, which may be optional and for each residential unit, may be allocated by the colonizer.
No more than 5% of the flat cost for such car park space may be recovered by the colonizer.
The amendments see an increase from 10 acres to 30 acres in the overall area cap for projects under affordable housing. Furthermore, the minimum area limits were lowered from five acres to three acres to create an affordable group housing colony. A shift to the commercial area of a community building is also part of the new amendment. Unlike the previous four percent, the commercial area will be 8 percent of the net planned area.
As per the new standard, an additional 0, 5 ECS parking area, optional, is permitted by the colonizer per residential unit. The colonizer shall not recover more than 5% of the unit costs for this reason.
The colonizer shall be entitled to recover, against such allocation of parking space, no more than 5% of the flat's costs.
An additional safety function is to include the consent of at least one-third of all subscribers to a minimum of two-thirds of subscribers in compliance with Section 14 of the Real Property Act (Regulation and Development) 2016, where a license has already been granted under AHP 2013, and the building schemes are permitted without optional access to 0,5 ECS per unit car park area. Furthermore, this advantage is not valid for projects in which a certificate for occupation has already been issued for all residential towers.